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Anchor 1



Sex: male


A young man reflecting on his love-hate relationship with his father, who he left at age 18 in a violent confrontation. Descent of ancient Medes magi, who were effective healers and shamans.


Born to a powerful line of healers (Ilya's maternal side of the family) and a family of silk business merchants (paternal). After the unexplainable disappearance of his maternal family during a healing expedition, Ilya at age of 11 was taken into custody by his paternal grandmother, a strong-willed woman and head of the family silk business. 2 years later, Ilya's paternal grandmother passed away. Ilya’s father, who had been exiled from the family by his own mother when Ilya was an infant, knew of his mother’s passing away, came back to the family mansion, and finally, reclaim his custody over his estranged son Ilya. 


Quiet, empathetic, 


Sex: male
Child: Ilya, Amethyst
Spouse: Ilya's Mother (ex), Amythest's mother

The only heir to a (once) successful silk business family. An ambitious man, wanting to bring glory to his declining family business. Grew up with high expectations from his mother. 

Nickname Emerald

Seen as energetic, impulsive, charismatic, jokeful.
Anchor 2

Sex: Female

A Romani girl from a blacksmith family living in the same city as Ilya; she is aspired to become a jewelry maker when she grows up. She lost her family and most of tribe members to a fire set by a frustrated pursuer who wanted her for marriage.

Strong-willed, independent, sharp
Anchor 3
Ilya's Mother

Sex: Female
Child: Ilya
Spouse: Xosro (ex)

Herbal medicine practitioner, helping his father providing healing. One of ten daughters from a renowned shaman family. 
Anchor 4
Ilya's Grandfather (maternal)

Sex: Male

A powerful shaman, scholar, healer, and backbone of a shamanic family blessed with mystic powers. Was employed as a military Strategist for some years as a young man. Knows combat and military skills. A perfect example of traditional patriarchy, emitting courage, wisdom, and protection.

Chivalrous, curious, but naturally bad with office politics. 
Amethyst (Juree)
Sex: male
Father: Xosro
Sibling: Ilya

A studious young man eager to prove his own way to his father (Xosro).
13 years younger than Ilya.

Nicknamed Juree.
Anchor 5
Grandmother (paternal)
Sex: Female

Child: Xosro/Emerald

First generation buisnesswoman. Grew up with little. Hard working, conscientious. Charismatic, impulsive, maintaining a successful, confident appearance, but deeply insecure over her success, and ashamed of his son Xosro’s many impulsive deeds and his inadequacy as an heir. Disappointed by his educator husband, who fails her expectation in helping her in the business. Overprotective of Ilya. Has high expectations for her offsprings.
Anchor 6
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